.This is part of our Face-to-Face blog series in which we get a greater insight into game developers in the indie game world. In this instance, we are talking with the founders of Jbooch; JBo and Och!

In this blog post are the answers to the interview questions answered by JBO and OCH.

At Jbooch Games, we believe in creating a supportive, inclusive and empowering community. 

JBO has been making games for 4years now and OCH for 3years.  We are graduates that met at university.

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Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post Happy-gaming, folks!

Games JRPG Theme mood JBo Jbooch



Jbo JRPG Indie developer at jbooch games blogs
JRPG Indie developer Och at Jbooch Games

What inspired you to start making videos about gaming?

Long ago when Beta Max and VHS were battling for their place. I was but a young sapling. As I grew older I played in the seaside arcades and eventually obtained a Nintendo 64. My parents said if you want this, you are going to have to pay out of your university fund. So, Jbo get a scholarship.

In the end, I got a scholarship, so all was well. How did I do that? I was inspired by video games to hunger for knowledge.

I first played Snes a variety of Disney games that brought my dreams to life. Then when I got my Nintendo 64 I played The Ocarina of Time. This game starts with very simple English but progresses to using complex English. I could barely read at that young age and it inspired me to study. My cousin too was unable to read at all and I had to read the story to him.

This is my inspiration that we can be inspired to learn and gain a thirst for knowledge. 

Which game gave you the best all-around gaming experience?

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature was the most incredible game of the decade. It was so engaging with farming elements and other sim elements.

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature was an incredible experience. It inspired me to go around my local community asking questions to the farmers and the church folk. Back in those days, we did not have Google. So I had to ask the people in my community for farming tips, life and societal advice. 

It led to a journey and some cherished life experiences. And the game is still something that stands for itself as a brilliant game. How Natsume made that game I don’t know. The tech back then was terrible. 

What are you doing to ensure that gamers get a fantastic gaming experience in your upcoming project?

I make it real by connecting it to real life experience. And add an educational component that feeds the gray matter. That is all I can say. The potent mix of what a player wants and needs is complex.

What games inspire your love for gaming and your gaming projects?

Harvest Moon, Zelda the Ocarina of time, and Final Fantasy!

Are then any top tips you can give to Indie developers about making a great gaming experience and community?

Go with your strengths. Do what you love! Have the player in your heart and mind at all times. 

If you were trapped on a desert island with a power outlet and one console with 5 games. What console would you so desire to have? And which 5 games?  

Nintendo 64!!! 

Harvest Moon 64
Mario Party
Pokémon Stadium
Super Smash Bros
Zelda the Ocarina of Time

Nostalgia makes me happy!

What inspired you to start making videos about gaming?


In lockdown JBO suggested I make games with him, I was quite bored, and it helped me greatly to have something to work towards. I played Pokémon Sword and felt it wasn’t as enjoyable as the original games, so I wanted to create something more along the original lines. With a few additions from other games like Final Fantasy. I also felt the catching mechanic was unrewarding and it would be better to “earn” creatures than just simply collect them.


Which game gave you the best all-around gaming experience?


I think the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is probably the best game ever made. It has many different aspects of gameplay which fit many different moods. Whether you need cheering up or a challenge.


What are you doing to ensure that gamers get a fantastic gaming experience in your upcoming project?


In Prince Arthur: Monsters of Albion, mainly testing constantly and trying to add a core of mandatory quests/objectives. Whilst also increasing the amount of non-optional quests, for completionists. In a sense, we have tried to produce a game which caters to all audiences. So if you wish to skip something outside the mandatory quest line that is your choice, although you may miss out on a fantastic creature! We have also tried to make all the battlers unique, with moves, and stats. As well as having a range of items which can either be crafted or bought. With Ogresfield I have been looking at the speech and trying to make the story deeper.


What games inspire your love for gaming and your gaming projects?


Definitely the Legend of Zelda series and Pokémon Red/Blue. Medieval Total War II and most Sega MegaDrive titles as well like Golden Axe, and Streets of Rage. They are simplistic graphically, but the gameplay is fantastic. At University we once spent 3 months hunting for cables to make my original Sega MegaDrive usable!


Are then any top tips you can give to Indie developers about making a great gaming experience and community?


JBO is probably better placed to answer this question as he has been a fixture in the Indie community for a lot longer than I have. With several successful titles.


If you were trapped on a desert island with a power outlet and one console with 5 games. What console would you so desire to have? And which 5 games?  


Nintendo Switch. 1. Sega MegaDrive Classis 2. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 3. Football Manager Touch 2023 4. Pokémon Lets Go: Pikachu 5. Borderlands Legendary Collection