Indie Developers & Gamers

We understand the fact that video games are awesome. And so too are indie games. We know the history of games like Gandalf we were there in the beginning. That’s why we believe it’s important to get them on the right path. In 2009, we founded our solid brotherhood.

With the help of a life of gaming passion respectively, an engaging curriculum, and a well-designed classroom environment, we have our established foundation. Therefore, we aim to deliver to you some awesome indie games. 

Our contributors are a part of this fellowship, the success of a friend is a reason to smile.

We look forward to seeing you and your little ones playing our amazing games!

Backdrop for Jbooch logo and mood board for the JRPG indie game
JRPG JBooch Moodboard image Yorkshire for the indie developers
Jbooch retro JRPG Games controller image indie developers

Our Indie mission

Our passions are games and more…


We are passionate about video games, history, and more. Also, we are a dynamic team of game developers that met at university and some of us later in life. And, we have forged our fellowship through shared experiences and passions. 

Therein we care intensely about the lore, historical content, and playability of our games.

This team of indie game developers desire to be a responsive publishing team that listens carefully to our community. 

Our aims for our indie game community

Our aim is to provide a safe haven for gamers in which people within the community are treated fairly and with dignity.
We found from previous experiences that at times the indie-game-developing world can be an intense realm to get by in.
As a team, we want to provide a pleasant gaming environment for all with fair and just pricing. 

We have a supported content creators’ page click here.

Future plans for our indie game adventure

In the future, we will be looking for more game developers to join us in our pursuit of gaming justice.

History, Lore, & more!

How did this team of indie game developers meet?

We are all graduates in the field of either Humanities or animation, therein we have a passion for history and lore. We are from different places in the world. One of us has a degree in History and one has a degree in Politics, and one has a degree in animation.

Our interests in lore and history

We have numerous passions; one of us is interested in Japanese history and Bushido. The another is interested in European history and the Knights of Old. Another is interested in the Dark Knight.
We have shared passions in music, sports, and movies. 

It is the same too for literature; one of us is interested in the Nordic tales of Odin, Thor and Lot. The another is interested in the tales of ancient Rome and ancient Greece. Another delves deep into the Marvel and DC universes. Therefore, we bring you an interesting dynamic of storytelling in our indie games. 

Together we are an indie game development force.

Shoulder to shoulder we form a blend of historical knowledge that manifests some kick-ass video games.

Game Developers Fellowship
A mood board image for Jbooch JRPG games inspiration.
A mood board image for Jbooch JRPG games inspiration.
A mood board image for Jbooch JRPG games inspiration.
A mood board image for Jbooch JRPG games inspiration.

Our Dedicated Indie Game Developers

Jbo JRPG Indie developer at jbooch games blogs


GAme Developer

Greetings to you fellow creatures of stardust. I am a human with a passion for video games, history and more. I have been an avid gamer since my hands first grasped the Super Nintendo controller. For a long time, I have enjoyed games such as Zelda, Final Fantasy, and Pokemon. Ergo, making these projects although laborious was a barrel of fun. 

I also enjoy listening to grunge and classic rock on a night. 

In the morning it’s a keg of coffee for me.

Thanks for taking the time to read this short bio.

JRPG Indie developer Och at Jbooch Games


GAme developer

Hello. I have been playing games since I was a young child. My first console was a Sega MegaDrive which to this day is one of my favourite consoles. History is one of my passionate interests, particularly British history, which I did a degree in at university. This is where me and JBO met. 

I also like reading about myths, legends and gods. Which is where in a part where the origin of Prince Arthur: Monsters of Albion came from. I am currently playing Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Which is one of my favourite gaming franchises along with Sonic, Pokemon and Total War. 

Join us on Discord!

We can’t wait to meet you! get in touch we’ll answer all of your questions.